Entries by Fiasconaro

WebSense Content Gateway Information Protection

Websense Content Gateway Websense Content Gateway is an advanced security solution designed to protect corporate networks from the threat of malicious web content. The certification path to become an expert in the field of Web Security and specialized in the implementation and management of Websense Content Gateway can be divided into several phases. The first […]

Sonicwall Security Administrator

SonicWall Security Administrator Network Security Essential SonicWall Network Security Essentials certificates are designed to provide basic and advanced cybersecurity skills using SonicWall devices. These courses provide a solid foundation for those looking to gain specialized technical knowledge in implementing, configuring, and maintaining SonicWall firewalls. The main goal of these certifications is to ensure that professionals […]

Basic Certification on Project Management ISIPM

Basic certification on project management ISIPM The ISIPM basic certification on project management is a recognition that certifies fundamental skills in the field of project management. This certification, issued by the Italian Institute of Project Management (ISIPM), is an important attestation of knowledge and skills in the sector, recognized nationally and internationally. Through exams that […]

Cisco Systems CCNA – Network Administrator

Cisco Systems CCNA – Network Administrator 4.IP Services: Each module provides essential knowledge that enables IT professionals to design, implement and manage complex networks in compliance with Cisco standards. Effective network management requires advanced technical skills, in-depth knowledge of industry standards (such as Cisco CCNA), and a solid understanding of the fundamental principles of computer […]

Data Protection Arkeia

Data protection Arkeia The Data Protection Arkeia certification represents an important recognition for companies in the IT and data management sector. It certifies that the systems and processes adopted comply with high standards of security and privacy, guaranteeing the protection of information assets and compliance with the regulations in force. Obtaining this certification denotes a […]

Allot Certified Technical Engineer

Allot Certified Technical Engineer (ACTE-CSP) An Allot Certified Technical Engineer (ACTE-CSP) is qualified to install, configure and operate Allot Service Gateway, NetXplorer, Data Mediator and ClearSee in CSP networks. ACTE-CSP certification is achieved after 3 intensive days of training combining lectures, hands-on workshops, a theoretical and a practical exam. The importance of having ACTE within […]

TIE Certification Test of Interactive English Year 2008

TIE Certification Test of Interactive English Year 2008 THIS IS A DESCRIPTION OF THE LANGUAGE USER ACCORDING TO THE COUNCIL OF EUROPE 6-LEVEL SCALE Oral Test Score B1+ Can understand the main ideas of complex texts on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialisation. Can interact with a degree […]